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Publication Alte und neue Wege des Gemeinschaftsmarketings für Agrarprodukte und Lebensmittel(2007) Rügge, Matthias; Kliebisch, ChristophGemeinschaftsmarketing für Agrarprodukte und Lebensmittel ist spätestens seit der Ein-führung des Absatzfondsgesetzes im Jahr 1969 das zentrale Instrument zur Absatzförde-rung in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft. Institutionalisiert in der Centralen Marketing-Gesellschaft der Deutschen Agrarwirtschaft (CMA) ist das Gemeinschaftsmarketing jedoch vor allem in der jüngeren Vergangenheit zunehmender Kritik ausgesetzt. Mit dem vorlie-genden Beitrag soll daher neben einem historischen Abriss zum Gemeinschaftsmarketing für Agrarprodukte und Lebensmittel und dem derzeitigen Organisationsaufbau ein Blick auf andere Organisationsformen des Gemeinschaftsmarketing gelenkt werden. Exemplarisch geschieht dies anhand des Modells der ?Levy Boards? in Großbritannien. Letztlich wird hierbei der Frage nachgegangen, ob bzw. welche Elemente dieses Modells für das bundesdeutsche Gemeinschaftsmarketing Vorbildcharakter haben.Publication Entwicklung der Zufriedenheit der Landmaschinenhändler mit den Herstellern(2015) Becker, Tilman; Semenenko, KseniaBereits im April/Mai 2006 und im April/Mai 2008 wurde die Zufriedenheit der Landmaschinenhändler mit ihren Herstellern im Rahmen einer schriftlichen Befragung abgefragt. Eine Online-Befragung erfolgte dann im April/Mai 2015. Insgesamt nahmen 160 Händler an der Befragung teil. Wie 2006 und 2008 wurde auch 2015 die Bewertung der Händler zu fünf unterschiedlichen Kategorien abgefragt: - Traktoren - Mähdrescher - Futtererntetechnik - Bodenbearbeitung und Saat - Technik für Pflanzenschutz und Düngung. Abgefragt wurden z.B.: - Gesamtzufriedenheit mit jeweiligem Hauptlieferanten - Zufriedenheit mit einzelnen Marketingmaßnahmen im Detail Die Marketingmaßnahmen umfassen z.B. die Bereiche: - Produktprogramm - Zukunft der Lieferanten im Wettbewerb - Beziehung zu Lieferanten. Die Gesamtzufriedenheit setzt sich aus der Zufriedenheit in den einzelnen Bereichen zusammen. Um die Bedeutung einzelner Bereiche für die Gesamtzufriedenheit zu bewerten, wurde der Korrelationskoeffizient zwischen der Gesamtzufriedenheit und dem jeweiligen Bereich berechnet. Zusammenfassend kann man einen zumindest leichten Anstieg bei der Gesamtzufriedenheit feststellen. Lediglich in der Produktgruppe der Mähdrescher kam es zu einer insgesamt schlechteren Bewertung als 2006. Bezogen auf alle Beurteilungen konnte die Futtererntetechnik wie schon in den Vorjahren am besten abschneiden.Publication Das Publikationsverhalten deutschsprachiger Marketing-Wissenschaftler – eine empirische Analyse auf Basis bibliometrischer Vergleichsstudien(2012) Loos, Jeanette; Voeth, MarkusJournal based publication performance got essential for German speaking business and marketing scientists in recent years and gain raising influence in a variety of academic processes like promotion or tenure decisions. The growing relevance of journal publications is based on transformation processes taking place in German speaking science which are driven by the influence of political decisions, economic developments, technological factors, but also by individual attitudes and which lead to an increasing internationalization of scientific research in the field of German speaking business administration. The progression internationalization not only influences the Germany speaking business administration research landscape as a whole, but changes publication patterns of scholars in this field as scientists are forced to publish their research internationally to keep up in the international scientific reputation competition. Due to these developments, many scholars especially in the field of marketing have adjusted their publication patterns and started to publish first and foremost articles in (international) journals. In line with this, the demand of scientific journals as publication outlet has increased significantly in recent years. Taking the example of business administration there can be found more than 1.000 journals nowadays, an amount which leads to the fact, that scientists are no longer able to know all journals relevant for their field of research. As this knowledge is essential to on the one hand judge the quality of the research output of colleagues, and on the other hand to manage one?s individual publication performance, journal rankings as an indicator of different journal quality gained increasing relevance in most business administration disciplines in Germany. These rankings either define the quality of journals based on the judgment of peers, or use bibliometric measures determine the differences in quality of single journals. Likewise, journal rankings represent an instrument to analyze publication patterns of a scientific discipline, as well as the research performance of single scholars. In the field of German speaking business administration there meanwhile exist two journal rankings ? the JOURQUAL-Ranking of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) and the Handelsblatt-Ranking of Business Administration journals ? which could be used to analyze and explain publication patterns. Due to the fact that both rankings are adapted from US or UK journal quality standards and focus on determining the quality of general business journals, they don?t represent an adequate measure for the publication patterns of a specific German speaking scientific community like the marketing discipline. Based on the fact, that studies focusing on the publication patterns of German speaking marketing scholars are still missing and this community is lacking its own specific journal ranking, this discipline is suffering from the absence of a profound comprehension of its own publication patterns. This research work is closing this gap by identifying the constitutive characteristics of the publication pattern of the German speaking marketing discipline.Publication Status-Quo und Perspektiven von Zweinutzungshühnern in Baden-Württemberg : Ergebnisse eines World-Cafés im Rahmen des 1. Dialogforums des Projektes „ZweiWert“ am 2.3.2023.(2023) Bermejo, Gabriela; Imort-Just, Annik; Gebhardt, Beate; Hess, Sebastian; Kiefer, Lukas; Zikeli, SabineThe motivation behind the growing interest in dual-purpose chicken is diverse. Among other things, it is driven by the prohibition of killing male chicks from laying lines, by the desire to improve animal welfare in general, and by the preservation of genetic biodiversity and a more sustainable poultry production system. The project "ZweiWert" aims to create a regional network of actors in order to build up a value chain for dual-purpose chickens in Baden-Württemberg. Following a status quo and potential analysis of the agricultural production of dual-purpose chicken, a network will be established along the entire value chain, so that a sustainable production as well as a regular supply of the resulting products can be ensured. In order to promote the exchange between actors and to be able to develop policy options and recommendations, dialogue forums will be organized during the course of the project. The first forum took place in March 2023 and brought together representatives from different sectors. After various expert contributions, participants were able to exchange views on different areas of the value chain in the format of a World Café. In particular, the topics of networking and economic efficiency, cooperation, aspects of the legal/political framework and the need for more transparency and communication were mentioned during these discussions.Publication The influence of Corporate Brand Experience on employees´ corporate brand pride, brand-related and service-related behaviour(2023) Abed, Fabian; Büttgen, MarionIn the past years corporation and brands increase their efforts to influence employees´ attitudes and behaviour using internal branding activities. In doing so, corporation and brands try to enhance organizational or brand commitment and related positive behaviour of its personnel. Here, corporate brand pride seems particular interesting as this construct receives increasing attention in theory and practice. On the one hand, corporate brands such as Facebook or Ritz-Carlton have already identified pride as a central element in their strategy regarding employee engagement and outstanding customer service (Kraemer et al., 2020). On the other hand, research regarding pride is scarce. As pride implies a strong bond between the employee and the corporation or brand, strong effects on employee behaviour can be assumed. For this reason, it seems interesting to further investigate this construct. Here, the question arises how employees´ corporate brand pride can be fostered. In answering this question this work uses an internal branding approach, investigating how direct and indirect corporate brand experience affect corporate brand pride, brand-related and service-oriented behaviour of personnel. The latter experience represents a non-product related corporate brand experience, for example via internal communications. As corporate brands face nowadays increasing media coverage, this thesis further investigate effects of perceived negative on corporate brand pride and brand-oriented behaviour. In doing so, this work show how corporation can mitigate unfavourable effects of negative corporate brand publicity. The central part of this behaviouristic thesis represents three quantitative cross-sectional studies which have been analysed using structural equation modelling. In doing so, manifest and latent relationships are analysed. The data used in the studies stem mostly from various online survey, which have been conducted in Germany´s largest Business-Network (XING). The results of this thesis reveal, that corporate brand pride of employees can be fostered through indirect corporate brand experience. Indirect corporate brand experience through internal communications also provides an effective way to mitigate the perception of negative corporate brand publicity and their subsequent adverse effects on corporate brand pride. Moreover, the thesis reveal that the dissemination of brand knowledge, as a central part of internal branding, positively affect pride of employees, too. In addition, results provide evidence that employee pride represent a strong attitudinal motivator, which in turn influence brand- and service-oriented behaviour of personnel. At the end, the thesis highlights implications for theory and practice as well as limitations. The findings of this thesis provide important theoretical and practical implications, in particular for marketing manager and human resources manager.Publication Die Zufriedenheit der Landmaschinenhändler mit den Herstellern(2010) Becker, Tilman; Staus, AlexanderThis paper analyses satisfaction of agricultural machinery dealers with manufacturers of such. While several analyses have focused on carmakers for quite some time, this paper analyses the field of agricultural machinery for the first time. Between 2006 and 2008, dealers of agricultural machinery were queried about their overall satisfaction regarding distribution and marketing measures taken by the respective manufacturers. We categorised distribution and marketing measures into 38 subquestions, which we can summarise in 8 independent dimensions. We analysed the following tractor brands: Case IH, Claas, Deutz-Fahr, Fendt, John Deere, Massey Ferguson, and New Holland. In terms of overall satisfaction, Fendt achieved the best results followed by CLAAS, Deutz-Fahr, and John Deere. Massey Ferguson, New Holland, and Case IH obtained poor ratings. Between 2006 and 2008, Case IH and New Holland saw the greatest increase in overall satisfaction, thus moving up to the mid-range. Fendt and Claas shared the two top positions in all dimensions. Fendt shows optimal results in three areas: product programme, design of purchasing conditions, and relationship with manufacturer. Regarding the five remaining dimensions, Claas is spearheading in terms of satisfaction. We observe a similiar result for 2006. Fendt dominates with its product programme and shares the top position with Claas regarding relationship with manufacturers. Nonetheless, Fendt leads the way for overall satisfaction significantly. Considering the results of the remaining brands, we observe that good and poor ratings of the product programme and the design of purchasing conditions correlate with good and poor ratings of overall satisfaction. Of all dimensions, the correlation between overall satisfaction and product programme is highest with 0.73. The regression results confirm the relevance of the product programme for overall satisfaction. Three of the four items are significant: Product innovation, product quality and performance, and pricing. While the regression cannot confirm the relevance of designing purchasing conditions, two items within the dimension marketing and sales promotion have a significant impact. For tractors, there is a correlation between overall satisfaction and market share or changes in market share. Market shares and overall satisfaction increased for Fendt, Case IH and Claas between 2006 and 2008, while both figures fell for John Deere. The shares of Deutz-Fahr and Massey Ferguson remain relatively constant, while the overall satisfaction of dealers is slightly declining. New Holland faces fluctuations up and down between the years. Overall satisfaction grew. The development in overall satisfaction can serve as an indicator for future market share developments.