Institut für Pflanzenproduktion und Agrarökologie in den Tropen und Subtropen

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  • Publication
    Adaption to rainfall and temperature variability through integration of mungbean in maize cropping
    (2021) Khongdee, Nuttapon; Cadisch, Georg
    Climate change has threatened global agricultural activities, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. Rainfed cropping regions have become under more intense risk of crop yield loss and crop failure, especially in upland areas which are also prone to soil erosion. In Thailand, maize is one of the important economic crops and mostly grown in upland areas of northern regions. Maize yield productivity largely depends on the onset of seasonal rainfall. Uncertainty of seasonal rainfall adversely affects maize yield productivity. Therefore, coping strategies are urgently needed to stabilize maize yields under climate variability. In order to identify suitable coping strategies, early maize sowing and maize and mungbean relay cropping were tested on upland fields of northern Thailand. The specific aims of this thesis were (i) monitoring growth and yield performance of maize and mungbean under relay cropping, (ii) testing early maize sowing and maize – mungbean relay cropping as coping strategies under rainfall variations (Chapter 2), (iii) testing effects of relay cropping on growth and yield of mungbean under weather variability (Chapter 4), (iv) determining suitable sowing dates under erratic rainfall patterns by using a modelling approach (Chapter 3), and (v) developing a technique for diagnosis of crop water stress in maize by thermal imaging technique (Chapter 5). Specifically, in Chapter 2 early maize planting or relay cropping strategies were assessed for growth and yield performance of maize under heat and drought conditions. Maize planted in July showed, regardless of sole or relay cropping, low grain formation as a consequence of adverse weather conditions during generative growth. However, July-planted maize relay cropping produced higher above ground biomass than July-planted maize sole cropping and early planting of maize in June. Despite unfavourable weather conditions, maize was, at least partly, able to compensate for such effects when relayed cropped, achieving a higher yield compared to maize sole cropping. June-planted maize sole cropping, however, was fully able to escape such a critical phase and achieved the highest grain yield (8.5 Mg ha-1); however, its associated risk with insufficient rain after early rain spells needs to be considered. Relay cropping showed to be an alternative coping strategy to cope with extreme weather as compared to maize sole cropping. However, relay cropping reduced maize growth due to light competition at young stages of maize before mungbean was harvested (Chapter 2). This negative impact of relay cropping is partly off-set by considering of land equivalent ratio (Chapter 4). Land equivalent ratio indicated a beneficial effect of relay cropping over maize and mungbean solecropping (LER = 2.26). During high precipitation, mungbean sole cropping produced higher yield (1.3 Mg ha-1) than mungbean relay cropping (0.7 Mg ha-1). In contrast to the period of low precipitation, mungbean relay cropping used available water more efficiently and was able to establish its plant, while mungbean sole cropping could not fully withstand severe drought and heat. Mulching effects of maize residues conserved soil water which was then available for mungbean to grow under extreme weather condition. WaNuLCAS modelling approaches can be used to support the decision of maize sowing date in northern Thailand to cope with climate change as indicated by goodness of fit of the model validation (R2 = 0.83, EF = -0.61, RMSE = 0.14, ME = 0.16, CRM = 0.02 and CD = 0.56) (Chapter 3) using forty-eight-year of historical rainfall patterns of Phitsanulok province. Only 27.1% of rainfall probability was classified as a normal rainfall condition. Consequently, maize in this region had faced with high rainfall variability. From long term simulation runs, the current maize sowing date led to strong maize yield variation depending on rainfall condition. Early maize sowing i.e. 15 and 30 days before farmers and staggered planting produced higher yield than current farmers’ practice (mid of July) in most conditions (91.7%). Simulations revealed that water was the most limiting factor affecting maize growth and yield while nutrients (N and P) had only limited impact. Results of the WaNuLCAS model could be used to identify optimal maize planting date in the area prone to soil erosion and climate variation of northern Thailand; however, the model cannot fully account for heat stress. Thermal imaging technique is a useful method for diagnose maize water status. As presented in chapter 5, the developed Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI) using a new approach of wet/dry references revealed a strong relationship between CWSI and stomatal conductance (R2 = 0.82). Our study results established a linear relationship to predict final maize grain yield and CWSI values at 55 DAS as follows “Yield = -16.05×CWSI55DAS + 9.646”. Both early planting of maize and/or relay cropping with legumes are suitable coping strategies for rainfall variability prone regions. The positive response of early planting and legume relay cropping offers the opportunity of having a short-duration crop as sequential crop, providing an additional source of protein for humans and fostering crop diversification on-site. This leads to a win-win situation for farmers, food security and the environment due to an enhanced sustainability of this cropping system.
  • Publication
    Crop yield and fate of nitrogen fertilizer in maize-based soil conservation systems in Western Thailand
    (2021) Wongleecharoen, Chalermchart; Cadisch, Georg
    The increase in food demand and land scarcity in high-potential lowland areas have forced cropping intensification with a transformation of land use from subsistence to permanent agriculture in remote hillside in Southeast Asia. This change and inappropriate land use are the prime cause of soil degradation by erosion, which have negatively affected the agricultural systems productivity and sustainability in Thailand. Therefore, vulnerable land in sloping terrain is classified as unsuitable for continuous production of arable crops unless conservation measures are introduced to stabilize the landscape. Even though conservation practices can stabilize sloping land, farmers have not been widely adopted the measures due to various constraints, such as crop area loss and crop-tree competition. To improve land use management, a two-year study (2010-2011) was conducted at the Queen Sirikit research station (13°28’N, 99°16’E), Ratchaburi Province, Thailand, on a hillside with a slope of around 20%. The treatments consisted of (T1) maize (Zea mays L.) mono-crop under tillage and fertilization, (T2) maize intercropped with chili (Capsicum annuum L.) under tillage and fertilization, (T3) maize intercropped with chili, application of minimum tillage plus Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC) relay cropping and fertilizer application, (T4) maize intercropped with chili, application of minimum tillage with Jack bean relay cropping and fertilizer application plus perennial hedges of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit, (T5) as T3 but without fertilization, and (T6) as T4 but without fertilization. There was an additional plot of chili sole cropping to calculate the land equivalent ratio (LER). The first part of the study evaluated yield performance and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of crops using the 15N isotope technique under diverse fertilized cropping systems during the first year. Maize grain yields were lower in T2 (3.1 Mg ha-1), T3 (2.6 Mg ha-1) and T4 (3.3 Mg ha-1) than in the control (T1) (6.7 Mg ha-1). The total returns from maize and chili yields were 1,914, 5,129, 3,829, 3,900, 3,494, and 2,976 USD ha-1, for T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6, respectively. Higher economic returns in mixed crop systems, by selling both maize and chilies, compensated for the maize area loss by intercropping. Maize 15NUE was highest in T2 (53.5%), being significantly higher than in T1 (47.0%), T3 (45.5%), and T4 (45.7%). Overall system’s NUE in T2 (56.8%) was comparable to T1 (53.8%) and T4 (54.5%) but significantly lower in T3 (48.6%). Minimum tillage and hedgerows (despite their positive filter effect) did not increase NUE but adversely affected maize growth during the establishment phase. The second part of the study examined nitrogen fertilizers fate and quantified partial nitrogen budgets at plot level over two cropping seasons for various maize-based cropping systems with or without fertilizer application. Overall plant uptake of fertilizer 15N applied to maize was 48.6-56.8% over the first season, while residual fertilizer 15N recovery of plants was only 2.3-4.9% over the subsequent season. The quantity of applied labelled N remaining in the soil at the end of season 1 and season 2 was 6.2-28.1% and 7.7-28.6%, respectively. Thus, 60.0-76.0% in season 1 and 12.7-31.3% in season 2 of the applied fertilizer 15N were accounted for within the plant-soil system. Consequently, 24.0-40.0% and 12.9-16.1% of labelled fertilizer N were not accounted for at the end of season 1 and season 2, respectively. The derived N balance over two years revealed severe soil N depletion under T1 (-202 kg N ha-1), T5 (-86 kg N ha-1) and T6 (-48 kg N ha-1), and a slightly negative N budget under T2 (-5 kg N ha-1). In contrast, T3 (87 kg N ha-1) and T4 (62 kg N ha-1) had positive N balances. The increase of N input via additional N fertilizer applied to chili and symbiotic N2 fixation of legumes, and the reduction of N losses by soil erosion and unaccounted fertilizer N (probably lost via leaching, volatilization and denitrification) were the main factors of the positive N balances under maize-chili intercropping systems with conservation measures and fertilization (T3 and T4). Maize yield decline under T1, T2, T5 and T6 in season 2 was related to negative N balances, while maize yield increase under T3 and T4 was related to positive N balances. However, maize-chili intercropping with fertilization had some advantage (LER > 1.0) relative to sole species cropping. Moreover, total returns from crop yields in season 2 of all maize-chili intercroppings (1,378-1,818 USD ha-1) were higher than chili sole cropping (1,321 USD ha-1), which pointed to its crucial role in decreasing production risk by reducing yield loss by pests and diseases observed in chili plants. The third part of the study used combined data of stable isotope discrimination and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) to improve understanding of competition at the crop-soil-hedge interface. Hedges significantly reduced maize grain yield and aboveground biomass in rows close to hedgerows. ERT revealed water depletion was stronger in T1 than in T4 and T6, confirming time domain reflectometry (TDR) and leaf area data. In T4, water depletion was higher in maize rows close to the hedge than rows distant to hedges and maize grain δ13C was significantly less negative in rows close to the hedge ( 10.33‰) compared to distant ones ( 10.64‰). Lack of N increased grain δ13C in T6 ( 9.32‰, p ≤ 0.001). Both methods were negatively correlated with each other (r= 0.66, p ≤ 0.001). Combining ERT with grain δ13C and %N allowed identifying that maize growth close to hedges was limited by N and not by water supply. In conclusion, the results suggested a significant positive interaction between mineral N fertilizer, intercropping systems and soil conservation measures in maintaining or improving crop yields and N balances in Thailand’s hillside agriculture. Simultaneously, combining ERT imaging and 13C isotopic discrimination approaches improved the understanding of spatial-temporal competition patterns at the hedge-soil-crop interface and pointed out that competition in maize-based hedgerow systems was driven by nitrogen rather than water limitation. Therefore, sustainable agriculture might be achieved if farmers in Thailand combine soil conservation measures with appropriate and targeted N fertilizer use.
  • Publication
    Reconciling indigenous and scientific ecosystem and soil fertility indicators in swidden systems of Northern Thailand
    (2021) Tongkoom, Krittiya; Cadisch, Georg
    Crop rotations in today’s swidden systems of Northern Thailand typically include five to ten years of fallow. Regarding ecosystem functions, these systems are relatively close to secondary forests when compared to modern agricultural systems; but they are under pressure for intensification, i.e. shortened fallow periods. In general, criteria are needed to decide whether fallow duration can be reduced, safeguarding ecosystem restoration and provision of food and income for farmers. Acknowledging that a comprehensive assessment would cover multiple aspects, our study focuses on the role of fallow duration on tree community succession and use abundances of tree species considered as soil fertility indicators. We studied recovery indicators of tree communities at two potential broad-leaved forest climax sites that differ in soils, forest type and agricultural intensification: An intensive system of one-year upland rice, then one- to two-year maize cultivation with synthetic inputs followed by six years fallow; and an extensive system with one-year upland rice cultivation without agrochemicals and ten years fallow. In a case study village of extensive site, we investigated in how far abundance of indicator tree species corresponded to measured soil fertility parameters and whether an extended list of indicator species could improve prediction of these soil properties. Contrasting systems were chosen to test the applicability of our indicators, not to compare their management practices. From 2010 to 2011, eight variables related to stand structure and tree diversity and four soil properties were either monitored or surveyed in chronosequence plots representing different fallow ages. For each variable, means per fallow year were compared by least squares means (LS-means), and quadratic regressions from mixed models were fitted. Significant differences between LS-means and optima of regressions served to distinguish fallow stages and served as indicators of recovery and system stability. Stepwise multiple regressions confirmed fallow age as main determinant for most variables. Tree species indicator also identify by the component of multiple linear regressions function of each interested soil properties. Numbers of tree species and diversity index recovered to levels of the previous rotation within the respective fallow time, but in both systems were far from climax communities, probably due to seed-bank depletion and shift toward resprouting species. While species dominance changed over time in the extensive system, the intensive system was dominated by a single species. In the extensive system only tree density passed a peak during the fallow period, while biomass-related variables approached plateaus. In combination with the replacement of early fallow species, this points to the onset of competition and transition between successional stages. For the intensive system, no structural variable passed a maximum. With only one of eight indicators on the extensive site fulfilling the statistical criterion of passing a peak during the prevailing fallow time, reducing fallow periods is not recommended for our cases. Generally, combining LS-means and quadratic regression allowed assessing fallow duration based on distinct successional stages at different sites. The approach should include various relevant site-specific indicators, in our case representing biomass and carbon storage, species and structural diversity, considered crucial for both sites. From interview on the extensive site, farmers listed 11 tree species that relate to certain soil quality related properties. They named indicators of good soils for cropping, inappropriate soils for upland rice cropping and hard soils. Botanical tree inventories on 135 plots of one to ten years fallow age were conducted. Abundances of farmers’ indicator on one hand as well as inventory species on the other were introduced into different regression models to predict soil fertility parameters measured on the same plots. Both models were then compared regarding predictive power. Measured fertility parameters such as soil organic matter (SOM), pH, plant available phosphorus (Pav) - related to farmers’ criteria ‘good soil’ or inappropriate for rice cropping’ - as well as bulk density (BD, for ‘hard soil’), changed significantly during the fallow period, initially towards temporary pessima in years 6 to 7 followed by recovery towards year ten. Most indicator species, like Macaranga denticulata for Pav or Dalbergia cultrata for SOM, were clearly related to the soil quality characteristics attributed to them by farmers. Only in one case a species used as farmer indicator for hard soils was selected by multiple regression as predictor for high Pav. Including all tree species found during inventories into multiple regressions significantly improved predictions of measured soil parameters by AIC > |2|. Ten additional species from the survey model had potential to improve the farmer indicator model. Relative density, i.e. abundance of indicator tree species over abundance of all species, did not always match soil properties dynamics, so that the use of the regressions appears more informative for cropping decisions. Our approach to relate indicator species and measured soil parameters is not site-specific, but parameters are. Applicability of the approach could be extended if further farmer criteria such as weed suppression, represented by tree structure parameters as predictors of adequate fallow age, would complement soil fertility indicators. Based on the development of the multiple indicators of recovery of ecosystem services and soil fertility, it is not recommended to reduce fallow age at the two investigated study sites.
  • Publication
    Benefits and trade-offs of legume-led crop rotations on crop performance and soil erosion at various scales in SW Kenya
    (2021) Koomson, Eric; Cadisch, Georg
    Soil erosion and land fragmentation threaten agricultural production in large parts of the Western Kenyan Highlands. In Rongo watershed, maize–common bean intercropping systems, which dominate the agricultural landscape, are vulnerable to soil degradation, especially on long slope lengths where ground and canopy cover provision fail to protect the soil from the disruptive impact of raindrops. The inclusion of soil conservation measures like hedgerows, cover crops or mulch can reduce soil erosion, but compete with crops for space and labour. Knowledge of critical slope length can minimise interventions and trade–offs. Hence, we evaluated maize–common bean intercrop (MzBn) regarding runoff, erosion and crop yield in a slope length trial on 20, 60 and 84 m plot lengths, replicated twice on three farms during one rainy season in Rongo, Migori County. Additionally, we investigated systems of MzBn (farmers’ practice), MzBn with 5 Mg ha-1 Calliandra calothyrsus mulch (Mul), Arachis hypogaea (Gnt), Lablab purpureus (Lab) and Mucuna pruriens (Muc), regarding their impact on infiltration, runoff, soil loss, soil C and N loss during three rainy seasons (long and short rains, LR and SR, 2016, and LR 2017). Measured field data on soil, crop, spatial maps and meteorology were used as input datasets to parameterize and calibrate the LUCIA model. The calibrated and validated model was then used to simulate agronomic management scenarios related to planting date (planting with first rain vs baseline) and vegetation cultivar (short duration crop) to mitigate water stress. Based on the measurements, groundcover was most influential over rainfall intensity (EI30) and plant canopy cover in predicting soil loss. Dense groundcover of Mul at the beginning of the rainy seasons was decisive to significantly (p<0.05) lowering overall seasonal average runoff by 88, 87 and 84% over MzBn, Lab and Gnt, respectively, whereas, soil loss under Mul was reduced by 66 and 65% over Gnt and Lab, respectively. The high proportion of large soil aggregates (> 5mm) in the topsoil under Mul at the end of SR 2016 significantly (p<0.05) increased infiltration rates (420 mm hr-1) in LR 2017 compared to Lab (200 mm hr-1) and Gnt (240 mm hr-1). Average C and N concentrations in eroded sediments were significantly reduced under Mul (0.74 kg C ha–1, 0.07 kg N ha–1) during the LR 2016 as compared to MzBn (3.20 kg C ha–1, 0.28 kg N ha–1) and Gnt (2.54 kg C ha–1, 0.23 kg N ha–1). Likewise, in SR 2016 Mul showed significantly lowered C and N losses of 3.26 kg C ha–1 and 0.27 kg N ha–1, respectively, over Lab (9.82 kg C ha–1, 0.89 kg N ha–1). Soil loss over 84 m slope length was overall significantly higher by magnitudes of 250 and 710% than on 60 and 20 m long plots, respectively, which did not differ significantly among each other (p<0.05). For runoff, 84 m plot length differed significantly from 60 and 20 m, but in the opposite trend as for soil loss. Across all three farms, slope gradient and slope length were the variables with highest explanatory power to predict soil loss. At the individual farm level, under homogeneous slope and texture, slope length and profile curvature were most influential. Considering results of slope length experiments, plot lengths less than 50 m appear to be preferential considering soil loss, sediment load, and soil loss to yield ratio under the given rainfall, soil and slope conditions. Our results call for integrating slope length options and cropping systems for effective soil conservation. We recommend planting Mucuna and Calliandra–hedgerows as buffer strips below the critical slope length, and legume cash crops and maize uphill. Such approaches are critical in the backdrop of land fragmentation and labour limitation in the region to sustainably maximise land area. In the modelling exercise, crops planted one and three weeks after the baseline planting date increased Maize and Muc grain yield over the baseline during the three cropping seasons, the three weeks treatment in particular. This could be due to more favourable weather conditions during the shifted vegetation period. Increased grain yield corresponded to high water use efficiency (WUE). The short duration crop planted three weeks after the baseline planting date (PD3WL+SDC10) showed the highest grain yield after PD3WL (three weeks late plaing with BL variety). The use of cultivars with short growth cycle offers the flexibility of planting again where crops failed due to crop water stress or where the rains delay, ensuring completion of the growth cycle before the season ends. Given that short growth duration crops produce less grain yield compared to their counterpart full season crops, due to the length of their cycles, breeding programs must prioritize traits that can enhance the size of the grain-filling sink. At the plot level, management systems that reduce evaporation and retain soil moisture, e.g. mulching, application of farmyard manure etc., must be promoted to reduce evapotranspiration.
  • Publication
    Environmental and farm management effects on food nutrient concentrations and yields of East African staple food crops
    (2021) Fischer, Sahrah; Cadisch, Georg
    Hidden hunger affects two billion people worldwide, particularly children and pregnant women. Human health and well-being are dependent on the quality and quantity of food consumed, particularly of plant-based foods. Plants source their nutrients from the soil. Essential nutrients for both, plants and humans, therefore, predominantly originate from the soil. Very little is known about the influence of environmental factors (e.g. soil types and abiotic factors, such as weather), or farm management choices (e.g. fertilisation or agrobiodiversity), on nutrient concentrations of edible crop parts. The main aim of this thesis was, therefore, to analyse the effects of soil fertility, farm management, and abiotic factors such as drought, on the quantity (yields) and quality (nutrient concentrations) of essential macro- (Mg, P, S, K, Ca) and micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu), of the edible parts of three East African staple food crops, i.e. maize (Zea mays L.), cassava (Manihot esculenta} Crantz), and matooke (East African Highland Banana (Musa acuminata Colla)), and discuss the resulting implications for food and nutrition security. Two research areas were selected in East Africa, one with a high fertility soil (Kapchorwa, Uganda - Nitisol) and one with a low fertility soil (Teso South, Kenya – Ferralsol). In each region, 72 households were randomly selected, and leaf and edible crop parts, and soil samples collected on three fields per household, organised by distance (closest, mid-distance, and farthest field). Maize and cassava were collected in Teso South, maize and matooke were collected in Kapchorwa. Yields, fertilizer usage and species richness (SR) and diversity (SD) were recorded per field. The total nutrient concentrations were measured in all samples collected (soils and plant parts). A drought occurring in the second rain season of 2016 provided the opportunity to analyse water stress effects on crop quantity and quality (Chapter 2). Edible part samples and yields collected in both seasons were compared. Soil chemical and physical properties, together with farm management variables, were compared to edible part nutrient concentrations and yields using a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) (Chapter 3). To understand the strength of association between the measurements routinely done by agronomists (leaf measurement) and nutritionists (edible part measurement), samples of each crop were collected, and were compared to each other and to yields, using a bivariate linear mixed model (Chapter 4). During the severe drought, nutrient concentrations in Kapchorwa decreased significantly from normal to drought season in both crops. In contrast, during the moderate drought in Teso South, nutrient concentrations increased significantly in both crops. Lacking nutrient phloem mobility is suggested to play a vital role in mobilisation of micronutrients (Fe, Mn, and Cu), as shown by their decreased concentration under severe drought in the yields of both crops in Kapchorwa (Chapter 2). Soil type had a very strong effect on food nutrient concentrations. Maize grain nutrient concentrations and yields, for example, were significantly higher for all nutrients measured on higher fertility soils. Maize grain had the highest correlations with soil factors. In contrast, corresponding correlations to management factors were much weaker (Chapter 3). Concerning the comparison of nutrient concentrations in different plant parts, low phloem mobile nutrients Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, and Cu showed the largest differences in correlations between leaves and edible parts. In the same comparison, perennial crops (matooke and cassava) showed lower correlations between leaves and edible parts, than annual crops (maize) (Chapter 4). Environmental factors, such as drought impacted food nutrient concentrations. Severe drought caused a potential “double-burden” for consumers, decreasing both yields and nutrient concentrations, particularly of micronutrients. Considering food nutrient concentrations, apart from yield, as response variables in agronomic trials (e.g. fertilisation or soil improvement strategies) would contribute towards discounting the notion that crops growing on fertile soils always produce healthy and high-quality foods. Leaves may provide information on plant health, however, do not provide enough information to gauge both yields and food quality, particularly regarding micronutrients. The results also showed that measuring the edible part is vital to assessing food quality, particularly due to the observed effects of nutrient mobility, affecting particularly micronutrients and Ca. Ending hunger and improving food and nutrition security for all, particularly when confronted with global change issues such as degrading soils and a changing climate, requires a collaborative effort by all disciplines concerned.
  • Publication
    Rice genotypic variation on phenological development and yield performance in cold prone high altitude cropping systems
    (2021) Abera, Bayuh Belay; Asch, Folkard
    Despite a huge potential for rice intensification, several constraints have been reported as bottlenecks for rice production in the East African high-altitude cropping system. In this system, yield reductions are mainly caused by moisture deficit, which dictates the sowing date of the crops, and cold stress, which can occur either during specific crop growth phases or during the entire cropping period. In order to minimize yield losses, cultivation of suitable genotypes and timely implementation of proved crop management options are implicitly needed. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of weather during specific development stages on yield and yield components of a large number of rice genotypes contrasting in crop duration; to explore the effects of crop establishment method on the performance of a set of rice genotypes in high altitude; and to identify key data sets required for the adaptation of agricultural decision support tools to new environments: the case of RiceAdvice being introduced to the highlands of East Africa. Field trials were conducted during the cropping seasons of 2016 and 2017 at the Fogera rice research station in Ethiopia. Further, to generate data to be used for the advancement of RiceAdvice, trials were implemented in Madagascar (Ambohibary and Ivory) and Rwanda (Bugarama and Rwasave) at different altitudes. Thirty contrasting genotypes were included in the study to investigate the effects early and late sowing and the related weather variation experienced by the crop. The crop establishment methods (direct seeding and transplanting) were evaluated using nine contrasting genotypes. Daily mean, minimum, and maximum temperature, rainfall, radiation, and relative air humidity were recorded during the experimental period; and the phenological development of each genotype was closely monitored in all trials. Data on grain yield and yield components were recorded and finally subjected to analysis of variance. Results showed that yield was positively correlated with the percentage of filled spikelets and the number of productive tillers, and negatively correlated with the number of tillers per hill. Genotypes differed in duration, yield, and yield components between the two years, which was related to both, differences in sowing date as well as differences in weather conditions. Early sowing in 2017 led to an extended duration until maturity of short-duration genotypes, which was related to low radiation levels as the vegetative phase of short duration genotypes entirely took place during the cloudy rainy season. Contrastingly, the duration to maturity of medium- and long-duration genotypes was shortened after early sowing in 2017, probably related to higher relative air humidity. In 2016, late sowing in combination with the early onset of the cool period led to high spikelet sterility in medium- and long-duration genotypes, as the cold-sensitive booting phase took place during the cold spell. Therefore, effects of sowing date on yield differed between genotype groups with short-duration genotypes suffering and medium- and long-duration genotypes profiting from early sowing and vice versa for late sowing. Similar results were obtained in the experiment conducted in Madagascar and Rwanda. At high altitude in Madagascar, short-duration genotypes performed well after late sowing, whereas medium-duration genotypes performed better after sowing one to two months earlier. Also, in Rwanda, delayed sowing compromised yield because of spikelet sterility related to low-temperature during the reproductive stage. Therefore, it was concluded that the choice of variety should depend on the sowing date, which is dictated by the onset of rains. Further, decisions on management intervention have to consider season-specific constraints. Comparison of transplanted and direct seeded rice showed that, in general, transplanting had a strong advantage over direct seeding. While at high-altitudes, growing medium- and long-duration genotypes with a high yield potential bears the strong risk of yield loss due to cold sterility, transplanting, which resulted in significantly higher yields than direct seeding, can mitigate this risk. As after transplanting, physiological maturity was observed earlier in the season than after direct seeding, rice plants, including medium- and long-duration genotypes, escaped the low temperature stress at the critical reproductive stage, and thus, low spikelet fertility. Thus, with a relatively cold tolerant genotype such as Yun-Keng, sowing a few weeks earlier within an irrigated nursery can make use of the full potential and increase yields. Comparison of the experimental sites in Ethiopia, Madagascar and Rwanda, showed that the mean temperature between sowing and flowering of the four tested genotypes was negatively correlated with altitude. In general, precise knowledge of the duration of the potentially suitable genotypes is required and a crop model that is well-calibrated for the genotypes as well as for the environment, in combination with a smartphone application such as RiceAdvice, would be of great help to support farmers’ decision-making. The data recorded from the three countries field trials can be used as data source to validate RiceAdvice, and thus, increase its applicability.
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    Mid-infrared spectroscopy and enzyme activity temperature sensitivities as experimental proxies to reduce parameter uncertainty of soil carbon models
    (2021) Laub, Moritz; Cadisch, Georg
    Models that simulate the dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) are crucial to understand the global carbon cycle, but current generation models are subject to major uncertainties due to two model shortcomings. Firstly, their different carbon pools are not connected to measurable SOC fractions. Secondly, there is uncertainty about the response of the different carbon pools to an increasing temperature. The aim of this thesis was thus to link the SOC model pools of the Daisy model to measurable proxies for SOC quality and pool specific temperature sensitivity. In the first study, the drying temperature for soil samples assessed by diffuse reflectance mid infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) was optimized to assure optimal representativeness of aliphatic and aromatic-carboxylate absorption bands as proxies for fast- and slow-cycling SOC pools. Their ratio was termed the DRIFTS stability index (DSI). In the second study, the DSI was used to distinguish fast- and slow-cycling SOC model pools at model initialization. In the third study, model initialization using DSI was performed to infer pool specific temperature sensitivities for the different Daisy carbon pools. Furthermore, it was tested whether the measured temperature sensitivities of different extracellular soil enzymes could be used as proxies for pool specific temperature sensitivity. Using a global collection of soil samples revealed that the absorption of all studied DRIFTS absorption bands increased significantly (p < 0.0001) with increasing drying temperature from 32°C to 105°C. This effect was disproportionally strong for the aliphatic absorption band. Due to the strong interference of the residual soil sample moisture content with the aliphatic absorption band, drying at 105°C and storage in a desiccator prior to measurement would be necessary for representative spectra for model pool initialization. In the following, a combination of medium to long-term bare fallow experiments was used, to test the utility of the DSI for SOC pool initialization. Pool partitioning by the DSI was superior to using a fixed pool partitioning under the assumption that SOC was at steady state. The DSI contained robust information on SOC quality across sites. Therefore, in the majority of cases, the application of the DSI led to significantly lower model errors than the steady state assumption. Furthermore, the application of the DSI in Bayesian calibration led to a reduced parameter uncertainty for the turnover of the slow-cycling SOC pool and the humification efficiency. The 95% credibility interval of the slow-cycling SOM pools’ half-life between 278 and 1095 years suggested faster SOC turnover than earlier studies. The DSI used for SOC model pool initialization was then combined with the lignin-to-nitrogen ratio for litter pool initialization to infer pool specific temperature sensitivities. The simulations of five field studies and laboratory incubations with fallow soil and crop-litter inputs were combined. Based on a clear pool definition, pool specific temperature sensitivities could be inferred by Bayesian calibration. However, differences in temperature sensitivities of the same pools between experiments suggested that carbon stability was not the main driver of temperature sensitivities. Instead, the main difference was found between the laboratory incubations (higher Q10 values up to 3) and the field (lower Q10 values centered around 2). In a second approach, the measured Q10 value of phenoloxidase (1.35) was used as Q10 value of the temperature function of both SOM pools and the slow crop-litter pool while ß glucosidase (1.82) was used for the fast crop litter pool. This improved field simulations by 3 to 10% compared to assuming a standard Q10 of 2 for all pools. Thus, site specific Q10 of different soil enzymes showed potential as proxy for site and pool specific temperature sensitivities. Important state variables that explain the observed Q10 value differences between experiments were identified as physical protection of SOC, substrate availability and environmental stress for microorganisms due to fluctuating state variables in the field. In conclusion, the usefulness of the DSI as an indicator of SOC stability and proxy for pool initialization was demonstrated for several soils in central Europe. In addition, it was shown that pool partitioning proxies can help to infer pool specific temperature sensitivity by Bayesian calibration. However, temperature sensitivity was not mainly a function of carbon stability.
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    Compound-specific 13C fingerprinting for sediment source allocationin intensely cultivated catchments
    (2018) Brandt, Christian; Cadisch, Georg
    The loss of fertile topsoil due to soil degradation and erosion not only threatens crop productivity, but also induces sedimentation of aquatic systems and leads to social-, economical-, and environmental problems in many regions of the world. The abandonment of shifting cultivation in favor of intensive mono-cultural cropping systems on sloping land accompanied by rainfall detachment and surface runoff induced soil erosion is one of the most pressing environmental and agricultural problems in the highlands of Southeast Asia. Informed soil management strategies require knowledge on the main sediment sources in a catchment. Compound-specific stable isotope (CSSI) fingerprinting, based on δ13C values of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), allows identifying hot-spots of soil erosion, particularly with regard to assigning sediment sources to actual land uses. In this regard, we assessed the potential of the CSSI – fingerprinting approach to assign sediment sources to specific land use types in various intensely cultivated catchments. In a first step we improved the statistical procedure to identify sediment sources in a heterogeneous agricultural catchment in the mountainous northwestern region of Vietnam. In a next step we tested the CSSI-fingerprinting under different agro-ecological conditions to evaluate its global applicability, using an aligned protocol. Finally, we integrated CSSI-fingerprinting and fallout radio nuclide (FRN, 210Pbex, 137Cs) analysis to estimate past net erosion rates linked to land use types. In conclusion, the integrated Bayesian SIAR-CSSI approach was an appropriate tool to identify and assign sediment sources to actual land uses in small and heterogeneous catchments. This methodology was also suitable to identify hot-spots of soil erosion in contrasting catchments of different sizes and agro-ecological zones. Integrating CSSI-fingerprinting and fallout radio nuclide analysis to determine past sediment budgets provided insight into the impact of specific land use changes on soil retrogression and degradation. Such knowledge is of great value for informed and effective soil conservation through evidence-based land management and decision making.
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    Modelling weed management effects on soil erosion in rubber plantations in Southwest China
    (2018) Liu, Hongxi; Cadisch, Georg
    Land use in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China, a typical subtropical rain forest region, has been dramatically changed over the past 30 years. Driven by favorable market opportunities, a rapid expansion of rubber plantations has taken place. This disturbs forests and land occupied by traditional swidden agriculture thus strongly affecting hydrological/erosion processes, and threatening soil fertility and water quality. The presented PhD thesis aimed at assessing farmer acceptable soil conservation strategies in rubber plantations that efficiently control on-site soil loss over an entire rotation time (25 – 40 years) and off-site sediment yield in the watershed. The study started with field investigations on erosion processes and soil conservation management options in rubber plantations (Chapter 2 and 3). Based on the field data, the physically based model “Land Use Change Impact Assessment” (LUCIA) was employed to assess long-term conservation effects in rubber plantations (Chapter 4) and scale effects on sediment yield in the watershed (Chapter 5). Specifically, the first study aimed at assessing soil loss in rubber plantations of different ages (4, 12, 18, 25 and 36 year old) and relating erosion potential to surface cover and fine root density by applying the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) model. This study adopted the space-for-time substitution for field experimental design instead of establishing a long-term observation. Spatial heterogeneity of soil properties (e.g. texture, organic carbon content) and topography (slope steepness and length) interfered erosion at different plantation ages. To meet this challenge, namely account for possible impacts of soil properties and slope on erosion, the empirical USLE model was applied in data analysis to calculate the combined annual cover, management and support practice factor CP, which represents ecosystem erosivity. Calculated CP values varied with the growth phase of rubber in the range of 0.006 - 0.03. Surface cover was recognized as the major driver responsible for the erosive potential changes in rubber plantations. The mid-age rubber plantation exhibited the largest erosion (3 Mg ha-1) due to relatively low surface cover (40%-60%) during the rainy season, which was attributed to low weed cover (below 20%) and the low surface-litter cover favored by a high decomposition rate. Based on the results of the first study, the second study focused on reducing soil loss in rubber plantations by maintaining a high surface cover through improved weed management. Among the different weeding strategies tested, no-weeding most efficiently reduced on-site soil loss to 0.5 Mg ha-1. However, due to the low farmer acceptance of the no-weeding option, we recommend reducing herbicide application to a single dose at the beginning of the rainy season (once-weeding) to better conserve soil as well as inhibiting overgrowth of the understory vegetation. As the second experiment lasted only one-year, while rubber plantation is a perennial crop with a commercial lifespan of 25 – 40 years, the third study applied the LUCIA model to simulate the temporal dynamics of soil erosion in rubber plantations under different weeding strategies. The erosion module in LUCIA was extended to simulate both runoff and rainfall based soil detachment to better reflect the impact of the multi-layer structure of the plantation canopy. The improved LUCIA model successfully represented weed management effects on soil loss and runoff at the test site with a modelling efficiency (EF) of 0.5-0.96 and R2 of 0.64-0.92. Long-term simulation results confirmed that “once-weeding” controlled annual soil loss below 1 Mg ha-1 and kept weed cover below 50%. Therefore, this weeding strategy was suggested as an eco- and farmer friendly management in rubber plantations. Furthermore, LUCIA was applied at watershed level to evaluate plot conservation impact on sediment yield. Two neighboring sub-watersheds with different land cover were chosen: one a forest dominated (S1, control), the other with a mosaic land use (S2), which served to assess mono-conservation (conservation only in rubber plantations) and multi-conservation (conservation in maize, rubber and tea plantations) effects on total sediment yields. The model was well calibrated and validated based on peak flow (EF of 0.70 for calibration and 0.83 for validation) and sediment yield (EF of 0.71 for calibration and 0.95 for validation) measured from the two watersheds outlet points. Model results showed that improved weed management in rubber plantations can efficiently reduce the total sediment yields by 20%; while multi-conservation was largely able to offset increased sediment yields by land use change. In summary, while exploring the dynamics of erosion processes in rubber plantations, a physically based model (LUCIA) was extended and applied to simulate weed management effects over an entire crop cycle (40 years) and implications at higher scale level (watershed sediment yield). Once-weeding per year was identified as an improved management to reduce on-site erosion and off-site sediment yield. But to fully offset increased sediment yield by land use change, a multi-conservation strategy should be employed, which not only focuses on new land uses, like rubber plantations, but also takes care of traditional agricultural types. A conceptual framework is proposed to further assess the specific sub-watershed erosion (e.g. sediment or water yield) effects in large watersheds by spatially combining process-oriented and data-driven (e.g. statistic based, machine learning based) models. This study also serves as a case study to investigate ecological issues (e.g. erosion processes, land use change impact) based on short-term data and modelling in the absence of long-term observations.
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    Rubber production in Continental Southeast Asia : its potentialities and limitations
    (2019) Golbon, Reza; Sauerborn, Joachim
    This thesis focuses on three climate-related aspects of Para rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) cultivation in areas where altitudes and latitudes higher than its endemic range create conditions which are labeled nontraditional, suboptimal or marginal for rubber cultivation: 1. rubber yield in relation to the meteorological conditions preceding harvest events, 2. potential geographical shifts in rubber cultivation through climate change and 3. assessment of climate driven susceptibility to South American leaf blight (Pseudocercospora ulei) of rubber.
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    Developing indicators and characterizing direct and residual effects of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) by the tropical forage grass Brachiaria humidicola
    (2018) Karwat, Hannes; Cadisch, Georg
    Nitrogen (N) losses from agroecosystems harm the environment via increased nitrate (NO3-) amounts in water-bodies and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions to the atmosphere. Bacteria and archaea oxidize ammonium (NH4+) to NO3- under aerobic conditions. Furthermore, under mainly anaerobic conditions, microbial denitrification reduces NO3- to gaseous N forms. The tropical forage grass Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Schweick (Bh) has been shown to reduce soil microbial nitrification via root derived substances. Therefore, biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) by Bh might contribute to reduction of N losses from agroecosystems. The present doctoral thesis aimed at assessing the potential of the actual BNI by Bh, as well as the residual BNI effect with new developed methodologies. The overall research was based on the following major objectives: (1) characterization of the residual BNI effect by Bh on recovery of N by subsequent cropped maize (Zea mays L.) under different N fertilization rates; (2) investigate if low enzymatic nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in leaves of Bh is linked to reduced NO3- nutrition by effective BNI; (3) identify a possible link between plant delta 15N of Bh and the BNI effect of different Bh genotypes on nitrification, plant N uptake and NO3- leaching losses. The overall objective was to use and test new methodologies with a minimum of disturbance of the plant-soil system, to characterize BNI of different Bh genotypes in greenhouse and field studies. The first research study focused on the investigation of a potential residual BNI effect of a converted long-term Bh pasture on subsequent maize cropping, where a long-term maize monocrop field served as control. The residual BNI effect was characterized in terms of enhanced maize grain yield, total N uptake and 15N (labeled) fertilizer recovery. Furthermore, the impact of residual BNI effect on soil N dynamics was investigated. The residual BNI effect was confirmed for the first maize crop season after pasture conversion on the basis of lower nitrification in incubation soil, higher total N uptake and higher maize grain yields. However, the residual BNI effect did not result in higher 15N fertilizer uptake or reduced 15N fertilizer losses, nor in reduced N20 emissions. Applied N was strongly immobilized due to long-term root turnover effects, while a significant residual BNI effect from Bh prevented re-mineralized N from rapid nitrification resulting in improved maize performance. A significant residual Bh BNI effect was evident for less than one year only. In the second research study it was the aim to verify the potential of nitrate reductase activity (NRA) as a proxy for the detection of in vivo performance of BNI by selected Bh accessions and genotypes grown under contrasting fertilization regimes. NRA was detected in Bh leaves rather than in roots, regardless of NO3- availability. Leaf NRA correlated with NO3- contents in soils and stem sap of contrasting Bh genotypes substantiating its use as a proxy of in vivo performance of BNI. The leaf NRA assay facilitated a rapid screening of contrasting Bh genotypes for their differences in in vivo performance of BNI under field and greenhouse conditions; but inconsistency of the BNI potential by selected Bh genotypes was observed. The third research study emphasized to link the natural abundance of delta 15N in Bh plants with reduced NO3- losses and enhanced N uptake due to BNI. Increased leached NO3- was positively correlated to rising delta 15N in Bh grass, whereas the correlation between plant N uptake and plant delta 15N was inverse. Long-term field cultivation of Bh decreased nitrification in incubated soil, whereas delta 15N of Bh declined and plant N% rose over time. Delta 15N of Bh correlated positively with assessed nitrification rates in incubated soil. It was concluded that decreasing delta 15N of Bh over time reflects the long-term effect of BNI linked to lower NO3- formation and reduced NO3- leaching, and that generally higher BNI activity of Bh is indicated by lower delta 15N plant values. Within the framework of this thesis, a residual BNI effect by Bh on maize cropping could be confirmed for one season due to the combined methodological approaches of soil incubation and 15N recovery. The development of the NRA assay for sampled Bh leaves was validated as a rapid and reliable method linked to the actual soil nitrification after NH4+ fertilizer supply. Consequently, the assay could be used for both greenhouse and field studies as BNI proxy. The gathered data from the third study indicated that decreasing delta 15N of Bh over time reflects the long-term effect of BNI linked to lower NO3- formation and reduced NO3- leaching, and that generally higher BNI activity of Bh is indicated by lower delta 15N plant values. Consequently, it was suggested that delta 15N of Bh could serve as an indicator of cumulative NO3- losses. Overall, this doctoral thesis suggests the depressing effect on nitrification by Bh might be a combined effect by BNI and fostered N immobilization. Furthermore, BNI by Bh might be altered by different factors such as soil type, plant age and root morphology of the genotypes. Finally, future studies should consider that Bh genotypes express their respective BNI potential differently under contrasting conditions.
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    Conflicts of human land-use and conservation areas : the case of Asian elephants in rubber-dominated landscapes of Southeast Asia
    (2017) Harich, Franziska K.; Treydte, Anna C.
    Over the last decades, expanding rubber plantations in Southeast Asia have continuously diminished natural habitat, thereby increasing conflicts between human land-uses and nature conservation. The consequences are manifold, with short-term economic benefits for smallholder farmers and long-term costs for species diversity and ecosystem services (ESS). Sustainable wildlife populations are critical for ecosystem functioning but the ongoing habitat degradation and conflicts with people threaten the survival of larger mammal populations. This trend is particularly problematic if the respective species in decline are keystone species such as the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), which holds important ecological functions in maintaining tree diversity. Continuous land-use transformations increase the importance of conservation efforts for biodiversity within the agricultural matrix. The major aim of this thesis’ work was to analyze the potential of rubber-dominated landscapes in sustaining wild mammal populations while considering the risk of conflicts due to wildlife damage as well as the ecological importance of mammals. As a first step, the literature on wild mammals in rubber and oil palm plantations was analyzed to provide an overview on species diversity found in these systems. Our review showed that species richness was highly reduced in the plantations compared to the forest and that most species in the farms were rather visitors than residents. For a detailed assessment of species richness and presence in rubber plantations, transect and camera trap surveys were conducted in the farm-forest transition zone of the Tai Rom Yen National Park in southern Thailand. Furthermore, farmers were interviewed on the kind and extent of wildlife damage. With 35 recorded wildlife species, the forest was found to hold the highest diversity while more than 70% of these mammals were still found at the forest edge. However, a strong decline of species diversity and presence was observed in the farmland. Crop damage by wildlife affected 40% of all interviewed farmers. In 85% of all rubber damage incidents, young trees were affected, which had not yet been tapped. Elephants were most frequently named as damage causing species. Nevertheless, damage to rubber occurred only in half of the elephant visits, indicating that this crop species was not particularly attractive to wildlife. To account not only for the costs inflicted through elephant damage but also for the ecological benefits elephants provide, the potential of these megaherbivores for seed dispersal was assessed as a crucial ecological function in forest ecosystems. Feeding experiments with elephants were conducted and germination success of ingested and fresh control seeds of a tree species with characteristic mega-faunal syndrome fruits (Dillenia indica L.) was monitored. Seeds ingested by elephants showed a significantly higher and earlier likelihood for germination compared to control seeds. The exemplary tree species in our experiments did not solely depend on but benefited from elephant consumption for germination. This highlights the risks of long-term negative implications for certain tree species and entire ecosystems if elephant and other large mammal populations further decline. Biodiversity is an integral component of ecosystem functioning and the provisioning of services. However, a challenge in the evaluation of ESS is the allowance for the many facets of biodiversity assessments. We therefore developed a methodology for including multiple levels of species diversity into an ESS evaluation model. Diversity data of animal groups and plants derived from our data collections and from literature were normalized using the most diverse habitat as benchmark. Through this approach we obtained a comparable habitat suitability matrix for different land-use systems, which was then applied to different land-use scenarios. The outcomes confirmed that a conservation focused scenario scored higher habitat suitability for all species as well as for threatened ones compared to two other scenarios with no or limited conservation measures. Increasing conflicts between human land-use and nature conservation as a result of shrinking resources pose imminent risks for the diversity and resilience of ecosystems. This thesis provides an assessment of the current state of and conflicts with wildlife diversity in rubber-dominated landscapes surrounding protected areas. The results of this thesis can serve as a basis for the development of measures to consolidate farming and conservation interests. Although intensively managed plantations cannot substitute for natural forests, efforts are required to conserve multiple levels of biodiversity within the farming landscape. High species diversity will maintain ecosystem functions and services sustainably, which both human and wildlife communities rely on for their long-term persistence.
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    Impact of rubber tree dominated land-use on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Greater Mekong Subregion
    (2017) Häuser, Inga; Sauerborn, Joachim
    The present dissertation analyzes the impact of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) dominated land-use on biodiversity and ecosystem services (ESS) in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). Although originating from South-America natural rubber is mainly cultivated in South-East Asia. This expansion of rubber plantations affects different ESS such as carbon storage, availability and quality of water and threatens biodiversity in this highly biodiverse region. In order to analyze these impacts the first task was to give a comprehensive overview about publications concerning ESS and biodiversity in rubber cultivation systems. A thorough literature review showed that the majority of publications concentrated on single or few ESS, which does not match the demands of decision-makers. In order to make sound decisions for land-use planning or developing Payments for Ecosystem Services Schemes a holistic view including multiple services. In order to fill this knowledge gap, the second task was to analyze the impacts of rubber on the ESS carbon storage, soil erosion, water availability and water quality and economically and socially related ESS, such as income and livelihood security. Although there are still great uncertainties about carbon storage in different land-use systems there are hints that the carbon storage in rubber plantations is lower than in natural forests. Concerning erodibility, rubber plantations increase the soil erosion risk compared to natural forests. Rubber cultivation also affects the local and regional water balance. Since rubber production in monocultures requires the use of huge amounts of pesticides and chemical fertilizers which enter the aquatic system by rainfall-induced run-off, water quality for humans and aquatic organisms is as well threatened. Undoubtedly, from an economic point of view the introduction of rubber resulted in significant increases in household income and is hence a possibility to move households and communities out of poverty. However, by deciding to grow rubber, farmers are committing themselves for decades to come and are thus dependent on a single product, which exposes them to further risks. In addition, there are ecological hazards due to crop diseases, pests, unfavorable weather conditions or changes in climate. The review of studies clearly indicates that increasing rubber cultivation in the GMS is accompanied by various problems and threats to farmers and the environment. Therefore, the development of more sustainable land-use concepts is required. Concordantly, suggestions for land-use change are based on system diversification and forest restoration, which both require economic incentives for farmers. The next part of this dissertation deals with the development of a biodiversity indicator (based on selected flora and fauna species) that can be included in existing biodiversity models to show the impact that different rubber cultivation scenarios will have on various species groups. A combination of multi-species data supplemented with literature data was used and included flora, vertebrates and invertebrates. The resulting indicator was used as input into an established ESS assessment framework. Finally, a current land-use map from 2007 was compared with two scenarios. In order to get a more detailed picture, sub-groups of biodiversity were analyzed as well. First, a sub-group of “human use species” category was assessed which included only species which are directly used by humans. Second, the sub-group “red list species”, consisting of red list plants and mammals was analyzed separately to include the conservational aspect. The results showed that when considering the indices from the category “human use species” there is less of an impact between the scenarios, because medicinal plants for example are still commonly distributed within rubber plantations, albeit with different species (generalists, ruderal flora). This leads to an important conclusion: not only the decision on “what” is analyzed (biodiversity), but also “how” it is analyzed (groups of different species) considerably influences the results. To complete this dissertation the transferability of this place-based research to other regions of the world was tested to assess the relevance beyond the study area. To do this the system of land archetypes was used, which utilizes a wide range of land-use intensity metrics and incorporates simultaneously environmental and socio-economic conditions. In a first step, the ‘project archetype’ was defined, based on a synthesis of global land system indicators. For the project Sustainable Rubber Cultivation in the Mekong Region, only few of the 32 global indicators did not closely match the local reality. The transferability potential for the GMS was quite high and therefore emphasizes the importance of the project results for this huge region.
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    The biocontrol agent Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. strigae - Monitoring its environmental fate and impact on indigenous fungal communities in the rhizosphere of maize
    (2016) Zimmermann, Judith; Cadisch, Georg
    The fungal biocontrol agent (BCA) Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. strigae (Fos) has proven to be effective in the suppression of the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica, which causes substantial yield losses in cereals in Sub-Saharan Africa. A prerequisite for widespread implementation of the biocontrol technology is the official registration of the BCA Fos by country authorities in Sub-Saharan Africa. The FAO and OECD institutions established international registration regulations to ensure the environmental safety of microbial BCAs. The present thesis aimed on assessing the potential of the BCA Fos to meet these registration requirements and was, therefore, based on the following two major objectives: (1) A specific DNA-based monitoring tool for Fos was developed which allows following its population kinetics in soils as driven by contrasting environmental impacts, such as soil type, plant growth stage and seasonality. (2) Risk assessment studies were conducted to assess potential side effects of Fos inoculation on non-target soil microorganisms.
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    Impacts of the fungal bio-control agent Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. strigae on plant beneficial microbial communities in the maize rhizosphere
    (2016) Musyoki, Mary Kamaa; Cadisch, Georg
    Striga hermonthica causes severe yield reduction in cereal crop production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Intergrated Striga management has been proposed as one of the best options to control striga. Along this line, the use of biocontrol agent (BCA) Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. strigae (Foxy-2) has been proven as an effective and environmental friendly management strategy. It is well established that a prerequisite for a successful BCA is sufficient risk assessment analysis. Towards this direction, Foxy-2 was assessed for its potential non-target impacts on the abundance, community structure of bacterial and archaeal nitrifying prokaryotes as well as enzymatic activities of proteolytic bacteria. Maize rhizosphere soils treated with or without Foxy-2, Striga and high quality organic residues (i.e., Tithonia diversifolia) as N source were evaluated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP). It was observed that Foxy-2 had a promoting effect on archaeal abundance under controlled conditions in sandy soils. Furthermore, crop growth stage, seasonality and soil type had a strong effect on abundance and community structure of nitrifying prokaryotes over Foxy-2 inoculation. In addition proteolytic enzymatic activities analysis showed that Foxy-2 did not affect their activities. Correlation analysis also showed that abundance and community structure on nitrifying communities positively correlated with extractable organic carbon, extractable organic nitrogen and soil pH, while proteolytic enzymatic activities correlated with extractable organic nitrogen and soil ammonium. It was concluded that Foxy-2 is compatible with nitrifying prokaryotes and proteolytic enzymatic activities.
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    Genotypic responses of rainfed sorghum to a latitude gradient
    (2016) Abdulai, Alhassan Lansah; Asch, Folkard
    Climate change poses various challenges to crop production systems. Coping with the changing climate requires adaptation strategies that will enhance the resilience of crop production systems to the resultant aberrant weather. However, the impacts of the changing climate are extremely difficult to predict because the associated extreme events result in a complex of abiotic stresses. These stresses act singly or in synergy with others to affect physiological processes at the different growth and development stages of crop plants. Currently, the physiological and phenological (developmental) response mechanisms of crops, as well as adaptation of cultivars to these stresses are not very clear and well understood. The complex interactions between crops and abiotic stresses make it difficult to accurately predict crop responses to climate change using the available crop growth models that have been parameterized and validated using some climate scenarios. While prediction of the complex ideotype-trait combinations may benefit breeders, physiological models that are well validated for target environments are equally important. Therefore, this study investigated elite grain sorghum genotypes from three races (Caudatum, Durra, and Guinea) and a Guinea-Caudatum composite, with different degrees of sensitivity to photoperiod and adaptation to a wide range of latitude locations, for their grain yield and yield stability responses to different environments. The aim was to calibrate growth models in for use in quantifying climate change effects on rainfed sorghum production systems. Field experiments were established to investigate the yield performance and yield stability of ten genotypes in eighteen environments created from a factorial combination of three locations (along a latitudinal gradient) and three monthly-staggered dates of sowing within years in 2008 and 2009. Field trials to study the phenology of seven of the ten genotypes were also established in a similar fashion in 2009 and 2010. Data were also collected on yield and other traits for the first two dates of sowing on six of the genotypes used for the yield performance trial to analyze the relations between grain yield and the selected traits and also evaluate the potential of path analysis in improving understanding of trait yield relations of grain sorghum. Mean grain yields of 0 to 248 g m were recorded across environments and from 74 to 208 g m-2 across the 10 genotypes and generally reduced with delayed sowing. Grain yield was significantly influenced by the main and interactive effects of location, year, sowing date, and genotype, necessitating the assessment of yield superiority and stability for each of the ten cultivars. The only two Caudatum cultivars (Grinkan and IRAT 204) were ranked among the top three by six of the indices. The study also brought to the fore that some yield stability indices correlate perfectly or very highly and could be substituted one for the other when assessing yield stability of sorghum. Very strong correlations were found between grain yield and each of shoot biomass, panicle weight, the number of grains per panicle, and threshing ability across environments, but path coefficient analysis confirmed that these traits are auto-correlated, with grains per panicle being the major mediating trait in all the relationships. Relationships between grain yield and the remaining traits were weak to medium and very inconsistent across the environments. This study brings to the fore, the location- and / or environment-specific adaptation of existing genotypes which should be exploited for tactical adaptation to changed climates, whiles genotypes with general or wider adaptations to environments are being sought. The phenology study showed that for photoperiod sensitive (PPS) genotypes, the number of days from emergence to panicle initiation and the number of leaves increased with latitude and decreased with sowing date, a day-length difference between locations of < 8 minutes increasing crop duration of some varieties by up to 3 weeks and decreasing number of leaves by up to 11 for the same sowing date. Some varieties exhibited photoperiod-insensitivity at one location and photoperiod-sensitivity at another location, indicating the complex nature of photoperiod responses. The study also showed that existing models do not accurately simulate the effect of latitude on the phenology of PPS sorghum, and latitude has to be taken into account in adjusting coefficients to improve the accuracy of such simulations. We conclude that genotypic response of rainfed sorghum is influenced by latitude, sowing date, and their interactions, but very little by years. Some existing cultivars could be deployed as tactical adaptive measures, while efforts are intensified to develop strategic adaptive measures. If changes in rainfall and temperature reduce the length of growing seasons, genotypes which are currently adapted to higher latitudes could easily be shifted southwards to lower latitudes, while those at lower latitudes may fit poorly into the new environments. A large potential for contributing to food security exist for the low latitudes if climates change in the direction predicted in future. It is absolutely necessary to develop new models that will be able to accurately simulate effects of sowing date and latitude on phenology. More research is needed to understand physiological response mechanisms of the pronounced latitude effects on sorghum phenology.
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    Sediment, carbon and nitrogen capture in mountainous irrigated rice systems
    (2016) Slaets, Johanna I. F.; Cadisch, Georg
    Anthropogenic influences have caused landscapes to change worldwide in the last decades, and changes have been particularly intense in montane Southeast Asia. Traditional swiddening cropping systems with low environmental impacts have been largely replaced by forms of permanent upland cultivation, often with maize. The associated soil fertility loss at the plot scale is well documented. In valley bottoms of these areas, paddies have been cultivated for centuries, and are considered some of the most sustainable production systems in the world – in part maintained by the influx of fertile sediments through irrigation. Altered cropping patterns on the slopes therefore also have potential repercussions on rice production, and hence on food security, but the consequences of shifted sediment and nutrient redistribution at the landscape scale are not well understood. In order to assess these effects, methodologies were developed in this thesis that enable low-cost, continuous monitoring of sediment and nutrient transport in irrigated watersheds (Chapter 2), as well as quantification of the uncertainty on constituent loads (Chapter 3). These methods are applied in a case study to determine sediment, organic carbon and nitrogen trap efficiency of paddy rice fields in a mountainous catchment in Vietnam (Chapters 4 and 5). The upland area had an average erosion rate of 7.5 Mg ha-1 a-1. Sediment inputs to the paddy area consisted of 64 Mg ha-1 a-1, of which irrigation water provided 75% and the remainder came from erosion during rainfall events. Erosion contributed one third of the sand inputs, while sediments from irrigation water were predominantly silty, demonstrating the protective effect of the reservoir which buffered the coarse, unfertile material. Almost half of the total sediment inputs were trapped in the rice area. As all of the sand inputs remained in the rice fields, the upland-lowland linkages could entail a long-term change in topsoil fertility and eventually a rice yield loss. Quantification of nutrient re-allocation in Chapter 5 showed that irrigation was even more important as a driver of sediment-associated organic carbon and nitrogen inputs into the rice fields, contributing 90% of carbon and virtually all nitrogen. Direct contributions from erosion to the nutrient status of the paddies were negligible, again underscoring the protective function of the surface reservoir in buffering irrigated areas from unfertile sediment inputs. 88% of the sediment-associated organic carbon and 93% of the nitrogen were captured by the rice fields. Irrigation water additionally brought in dissolved nitrogen, resulting in a total nitrogen input of 1.11 Mg ha 1 a-1. Of this amount, 24% was determined to be in the plant-available forms of ammonium and nitrate, a contribution equivalent to 66% of the recommended nitrogen application via chemical fertilizer. The dependence of paddy soil fertility on agricultural practices in the uplands illustrates the vulnerability of irrigated rice to unsustainable land use in the surrounding landscape. Unfortunately, alternatives for upland land use that are not detrimental to soil quality are hard to come by, due to the economic reality of high maize prices on the world market. Conservation measures and agroforestry systems offer potential, but without some form of payment for environmental services, adoption rates remain low. Finding sustainable solutions is especially urgent as climate change is likely to increase the number of extreme rainfall events and hence intensify the redistribution processes already taking place. In this light, the role of trapping elements in landscapes such as paddy fields and surface reservoirs becomes more important as well. As these features are widely spread throughout tropical landscapes, their role in global sediment and nutrient cycles must be taken into account. The methodologies developed in this thesis, for sediment and nutrient transport monitoring and for uncertainty assessment, can aid in closing the data gap that currently hinders a reliable assessment of the consequences of anthropogenic and climate change, both on food security and on environmental impacts, locally, regionally and globally.
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    Abundance and diversity of total and nitrifying prokaryotes as influenced by biochemical quality of organic inputs, mineral nitrogen fertilizer and soil texture in tropical agro-ecosystems
    (2016) Muema, Esther Kathini; Cadisch, Georg
    Tropical agro-ecosystems are limited in nutrient resources as a consequence of i) being composed of highly weathered soils, ii) low native soil organic matter (SOM) content due to conversion of natural forests to arable lands and iii) continuous cropping without replenishing soil nutrients. Recovery of SOM by use of organic residues is faced with other competing uses like animal fodder. Moreover, existing SOM is further reduced by increased turnover rates due to favorable climatic conditions in the tropics. Incorporation of residues is therefore a justified means to restore SOM and to provide crop nutrients through microbial mediated activities like nitrification. Nitrification is a central step of the nitrogen (N) cycle, whereby ammonia is converted into nitrite and then to nitrate by bacteria and archaea through production of the amoA gene encoding the alpha-subunit of the enzyme ammonia monooxygenase. In order to better understand the impact of organic residues of contrasting biochemical quality (i.e., high quality Tithonia diversifolia (TD; C/N ratio: 13, lignin: 8.9 %, polyphenols: 1.7 %), intermediate quality Calliandra calothyrsus (CC; 13, 13, 9.4) and low quality Zea mays (ZM; 59, 5.4, 1.2)) on nutrient provision, effects of residue quality on dynamics of relevant decomposer microbial communities were studied. In addition, mineral N fertilizer was used to compensate for mineral N limitations especially in case of low and intermediate quality residues. Since N is one of the most limiting crop nutrients in the tropics, this study therefore focused on ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes, using DNA-based quantitative PCR (qPCR) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) techniques. In addition, soil physicochemical properties were measured and linked to the dynamics of microbial communities. The study hypothesized that soil type due to differences in structure and nutrient background, as well as seasonality, which influences soil moisture, would shape the response of the studied communities to biochemical quality of residues. Overall, the results of this PhD research revealed specific responses of dynamics of AOB and AOA to quality of organic residues and their combinations with mineral N fertilizer. They also revealed effects of interrelations between quality of residues and soil texture as well as seasonality particularly precipitation on dynamics of microbial communities. Future investigation of active microbial communities with the use of RNA-based approaches need to be considered to further improve our understanding of quality of SOM on soil nutrient dynamics.
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    Soil conservation methods and their impact on nitrogen cycling and competition in maize cropping systems on steep slopes in Northwest Vietnam
    (2015) Vu Dinh, Tuan; Cadisch, Georg
    Recent maize cultivation expansion into steep forested uplands in Vietnam led to severe erosion, soil degradation, and strong environmental impacts. Despite effectively controlling erosion, conservation measures often reduce crop yields due to resource competition. To foster uptake of soil conservation, a study including two experiments with bounded plots at two communes - Chieng Hac (21.02° N, 104.37° E, inclination: 53%) and Chieng Khoi (21.02° N, 104.32° E, inclination: 59%) - was carried out over a period of three years (2009-2911). The treatments included maize monocropping under intensive tillage and fertilization (T1, control), maize with Panicum maximum as grass barrier (T2), maize under minimum tillage (MT) with Pinto peanut (Arachis pintoi) as cover crop (T3), and maize under MT and relay cropped with Adzuki beans (Phaseolus calcaratus) (T4). Soil loss in 2010 and 2011 were also measured using sediment fences on unbounded maize fields under current farmers’ practice. The first part of the study assessed the magnitude of erosion and the mitigation potentiality of soil conservation measures. Under farmers’ practice, annual soil losses of bounded plots reached up to 174 t ha-1, being much higher than those from unbounded fields (up to 111 t ha 1). The majority of the soil loss occurred early in the season, when high rainfall intensities coincided with a low percent ground cover (<30%). To keep erosion rates below a tolerable soil loss (3 t/ha/yr) on steep slopes (53-59%) under an average annual rainfall of 1270 mm, a theoretical minimum ground cover of 95% is required at the onset of the crop season which was hardly achievable under monoculture system. Under conservation measures erosion was reduced by 39-84% in grass barriers or by 93-100% in MT with cover crops. A yield decline of 26% was observed in grass barrier treatments or up to 35% of cover crop plots if Pinto peanuts were not cut on time. Both options provided animal feed, up to 5.5 t/ha/yr dry matter of grass or 1.8 t/ha/yr dry matter of Pinto peanuts. Despite these potential benefits, constraints such as labour for grass barriers and cover crop establishment and cutting it afterwards, or difficulties in accessing and collecting maize cobs due to proliferate growth of Adzuki beans may hinder adoption by local farmers. To increase the incentive for adoption, the conservation system also has to use N fertilizer more efficiently. Therefore, the second part of the study examined the fate of applied 15N-labelled urea at the Chieng Hac site in 2010. At harvest, 21.6% of the labelled 15N was recovered by maize in T1, 8.9% in T2, 29% in T3, and 30.9% in T4. In T2, maize and P. maximum competed heavily for N with a total of 23.6% of the applied 15N found in the barriers next to application point. About 46-73% of the maize N uptake was derived from the soil, showing the important role of inherent soil N in these fertilized systems. MT reduced 15N translocation to deeper soil layers (40-80 cm), indicating a safety net function. Downslope translocation (>17 m) of applied 15N was <0.1 kg ha-1 as the majority of 15N added was vertically translocated and intercepted by plants along the slope. Despite implementation of an improved fertilization method, approximately 24-46% of N-fertilizer was unaccounted for, presumably lost via volatilization, denitrification, and leaching below 80 cm. Measured data for plot level showed that current farming practice (T1) induced a negative N balance of -142 kg N ha-1 in which residue burning and erosion were major pathways for N losses. A less severe negative N balance in T2 was attributed to reduced N losses by erosion while positive N balances of MT treatments were accredited to strongly reduced N losses via erosion and abandonment of burning plant residues in these treatments. The third part of the study investigated causes of competition in conservation systems three years after their establishment (2011). A pre-test at Chieng Hac in 2010 showed that abundance of water and the lack of N fertilization induced low grain N concentrations, enriched 15N;13C values in leaves, and reduced maize grain yield. This pattern was also observed in maize rows grown next to grass barriers or in cover crop plots at Chieng Khoi under good water availability conditions, indicating that these yield declines were mainly forced by lack of N. Additionally, a positive water balance throughout the maize cropping season further confirmed that water stress was absent. Moreover, enriched 15N values of maize rows close to the barriers suggested that these plants had to rely on soil N rather than on 15N derived from fertilizer N. Similarly, results of MT with simultaneous growth of A. pintoi pointed to N competition, resulting in a maize yield decline due to vigorous cover crop growth in T3. In contrast, MT with a relay crop (T4) had a similar maize yield, leaf N concentration, d15N, d13C as the control, suggesting N and water competition did not occur. In conclusion, soil erosion and nitrogen balances of current farming practice showed the urgent need to safeguard land resources, counteracting soil degradation but maintaining crop yields. The tested conservation techniques provide a range of characteristics to be considered as a sustainable system. The grass barrier as well as conservation systems controlled erosion, while minimum tillage with a cover crop further improved the nitrogen balance, and finally minimum tillage with a relay crop adds another advantage in maintaining crop production. Likelihood of adoption, however, may vary with how well appropriate incentives and land use policy fit to the area.
  • Publication
    Salience, credibility and legitimacy in land use change modeling : model validation as product or process?
    (2015) Lusiana, Betha; Cadisch, Georg
    Sustainable resource management requires balancing trade-offs between land productivity and environmental integrity while maintaining equality in resource access. Scenario analysis based on a credible simulation model can help to efficiently assess the dynamic and complex interactions in between components and their trade-offs. However, despite the potential of simulation models as decision support tools, acceptance and use by decision makers and natural resource managers are still major challenges, particularly in developing countries. This study was carried out to address issues related to validation of simulation models that includes users’ perspectives on validity of simulation models, scenario-based trade-offs analysis and uncertainty assessment for designing management intervention. Firstly, the current study analyzed users’ perspectives on validity of a simulation model for natural resource management based on two activities. The first activity is based on surveys in four countries (Indonesia, Kenya, Philippines and Vietnam). It explored the perceptions and expectations of potential model users (researchers, lecturers, natural resource managers, policy makers, communicators) on a hypothetical model. The second activity was a participatory model evaluation in Aceh, Indonesia involving use of the spatially explicit FALLOW model and evaluation of its outputs. When assessing a hypothetical model, potential model users’ considered salience (relevance) as the most important attribute in a simulation model followed by credibility. Once a model was used, the ability of the model results to depict reality on the ground (credibility) became a critical and most important aspect for users. Nevertheless, even in cases where model performance was poor, users considered the scenario approach in evaluating their landscape a novelty. Potential model users’ profession, prior exposure to a simulation model and interest in using models did not significantly influence respondents’ ranking of model attributes (salience, credibility, legitimacy). In the second study, to improve salience of a FALLOW model application, a livestock module was developed and tested for a peri-urban situation in the Upper Konto catchment, East Java, Indonesia. This study aimed to explore the impact of land use zoning strategies on farmers’ welfare, fodder availability and landscape carbon stocks. Scenario analysis revealed that the current land zoning policy of establishing protected areas and allowing farmers’ access to fodder extraction in part of the protected areas is the most promising strategy in balancing the trade-offs of production (farmers’ welfare) and environment (represented by above-ground carbon sequestration). Compared to the scenario reflecting current policy, the ‘open-access’ scenario that allows opening land in protected areas, was simulated to increase farmers’ welfare by 13% at the expense of losing 23% of landscape carbon. The extended FALLOW model with its livestock module proved an effective tool to examine the interactions between livestock, cropping systems, household decision and natural resources in data poor environments. The FALLOW model was able to simulate the land cover spatial pattern in the catchment (2002-2005) with a goodness of fit of 81% while the ability of predicting land change was 34.5% at a pixel resolution of 1 ha. In the third study, to understand the effect of uncertainty in input parameters influencing model outcome, an uncertainty analysis of landscape C stock and emissions was carried out using several approaches that can cater for different situations of data availability (plot level carbon stocks and land cover maps). The analysis used data collected during a study assessing opportunities for REDD+ (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Degradation) in a forest frontier region in Jambi, Indonesia, during 2000-2009. In a minimum data set situation (only single plot carbon estimates and a single land cover map available) the average landscape C stock estimates were 114.5 Mg.ha-1 and 81.0 Mg.ha-1 for 2000 and 2009, respectively. Based on an ‘expected-carbon-deviance’ curve, the confidence levels that the landscape C estimates were correct were 70% and 63% for 2000 and 2009, respectively. For other cases of enhanced data availability, Monte Carlo simulations were carried out to evaluate the propagation of land use classification errors and plot-level carbon stocks variation, jointly influencing landscape C stock and emission estimates. Results showed that excluding errors in land use classification resulted in biased estimates of landscape C stock and emissions. However, the bias over the whole area was estimated to be less than 7.5% (or 2.8 Mg.ha-1) with a coefficient variation of less than 0.2%. In the last study, we combined spatial aggregation analysis on the error-perturbed C emission maps (resulting from Monte Carlo analysis in the third study) with local stakeholders’ perspectives to develop an effective REDD+ scheme at the district level. The uncertainty analysis formed the basis for determining an appropriate scale for monitoring carbon emission estimates as performance measures of a REDD+ scheme. Changes in spatial resolution of C emission maps influenced the magnitude of potential area eligible for carbon payment and the uncertainty in carbon emission estimates. At 100 m resolution, 34.8% of the area would be eligible for REDD+ with an uncertainty of 82% , while at 5000 m resolution only 6.5% of the area would be eligible with a 1% error. At 1 km2 pixel size (1000 m resolution), the errors dropped below 5%, retaining most of the coarser spatial variation in the district. Hence, feasible measures for emission reduction in the district, derived from a participatory planning process, are compatible with the 1000 m spatial resolution of the C emission map. Overall, the research elucidates the importance of involving model users in evaluating a simulation model, including scenario development and subsequent results analysis and interpretation. The study also indicates the importance of making efforts to improve model output accuracy to gain users’ acceptance as users consider spatial accuracy is an important aspect of landscape-based models. In data-scarce situations, model users considered model ‘robustness’ in responding to new situations to be more important than ‘precision’. Scenario analysis proved to be an effective tool to examine interactions in a complex landscape, including their consequences for trade-offs (e.g. farmer’s welfare versus landscape carbon stocks) and synergies (e.g. fodder availability and farmers’ welfare). Analysis of uncertainty of landscape C emission during land use changes can provide guidance in developing appropriate natural resource management interventions. Although model users may perceive model validation as a product, it is in fact a process.